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Shock Subs

Threaded directly into the drive spindle of the rotary gear box, our shock subs will assist in protecting the rotary drive and mast assemblies against both torsional and axial vibrations/shock loading in moderate and extreme drilling conditions. The results will be reduced drill maintenance, increased drill availability and lower production cost.


Shock Sub for slant hole and vertical drilling operations

A floating shock sub utilized in both slant hole and vertical drilling operations where the rig is equipped with a top drive rotary gear box.

400127 Shock Sub which will protect rotary drilling or DTH drilling equipment

A floating shock sub for operations that utilize mid range rotary drills such as the Atlas Copco DML, PV235, Caterpillar MD6240, MD6290, Sandvik D50KS and D55SP where production encounters very difficult drilling conditions. 

PD6-2 Cushion Sub which will protect rotary drilling or DTH drilling equipment

The PD6-2 is a floating shock sub utilized on small and mid-range drills for both DTH hammer and rotary drilling applications. In most cases no modifications are required to the drill or drill string.


Shock Sub which will protect rotary drilling or DTH drilling equipment

Threaded directly into the drive spindle of the rotary gear box, the Cushion Connector will assist in protecting the rotary drive and mast assemblies against both torsional and axial vibrations/shock loading in moderate and extreme drilling conditions. The results will be reduced drill maintenance, increased drill availability and lower production cost.

Smoothdrive Shock Sub which will protect rotary drilling equipment

A proven product that extends drilling equipment life which equates to lower dollar/foot cost over time. These shock absorbers have demonstrated exceptional isolation in the torsional (X & Y) which means increased protection for the drill machinery.

Utex Rotary Shock Sub King Cobra which will protect rotary drilling equipment

Installation in rotary blasthole drill rigs used in open-pit mining operations. The King Cobra shock absorber is threaded inline between the top motor drive and the drill string below, which continues down to the tricone bit at the surface. Moreover, repairs can be made on the drill machine. Available for rotary 28" and 22".

Call one of our industry specialists to discuss options and specifications.
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